ενεργειακοι κρύσταλλοι

How to get started with energy crystals

Although energy crystals, in recent years have seen a sharp rise in the interest of people of all ages and traces of them are becoming ingredients in beauty products and brand name perfumes, they have a history that begins with the treatments of ancient civilizations and is inspired by the poets and writers of Middle Ages.

Their practice was sacred, since they emerged from the bowels of the earth as a miracle of nature, and reflected darkness and light at the same time.

Each energy crystal is unique. It has its own frequency due to its molecular composition, created under specific conditions of pressure and temperature, and is thought to retain memory, so it can be programmed with the right intention.

Energy crystals interact with the chakras and contribute to emotional, spiritual and physical cleansing, causing a rejuvenating holistic feeling in the person.

Find out how to spot that your Energy Chakras are blocked and learn how to unblock my Chakras here.

The first acquaintance with energy crystals

διάφανος ενεργειακός κρύσταλλος

If this is the first time you’ve heard about energy crystals and you’re intrigued, it’s definitely not the first time you’ve seen crystals. You may have seen them and not paid attention to them in a professional office, in the reception of a yoga studio or at your friends’ house.

But why are you interested now? How did you hear about them? What is it that you believe will heal in your life? Do you feel like you need more protection, more joy or inspiration? Do you feel like you have a dark spot that you want a crystal to absorb and take out of you?


How to choose your crystals for the first time

ενεργειακοι κρύσταλλοι

If you have a good touch with your emotions and can pinpoint exactly what you need, then it will be easier for you to choose your first crystals.

There are so many options that you can look for either on the internet or at an energy crystal store.

Some of the most well-known energy crystals are hematite which acts as a relaxant and gives courage, black tourmaline which acts as a powerful shield of protection, amethyst which contributes to concentration and enhances intuition, white quartz which while clearing your aura, also becomes transparent  and the rose quartz that sweetens your heart and makes it more receptive.

The colors of each energy crystal reveal its unique healing properties. Black protects, purple acts intuitively, pink attracts love and compassion, white cleanses and gives clarity, red helps to boost confidence and take action, yellow brings joy and optimism.

Depending on what you need to feel, you’ll choose a small first set that will help clear and revitalize your energy.

If you are in a store, it will be easier for you to “feel” the energy of each energy crystal and operate intuitively. If you order energy crystals through a website, then again you will operate intuitively, since you will choose those that made you for some inexplicable reason, more clicks.


How to clear your energy crystals

Your energy crystals need regular cleansing in order to work 100% healing for you. Already after their first purchase, it is necessary to clean them, so that the energy of any other person who touched them can leave and your most personal relationship can begin.

Your energy crystals should only have your own energy, that of absorbing, cleansing and rejuvenating.

Keep them away from other hands or if that is not possible, make sure to clean them even more regularly.

διαλογισμός με ενεργειακό κρύσταλλο


Ways to cleanse energy crystals

Because each energy crystal is unique, and a cleansing method that works for one energy crystal may harm another, be sure to get instructions on how to cleanse the energy crystals you choose from the specialist who offers them to you.

  1. Running water: You can wash your energy crystal by holding it in your hand and letting the running water for a few seconds clean it.
  2. Burning Herbs: Burn herbs, such as sage, and bring them around the energy crystal, as if incense.
  3. Water and Salt: Immerse your energy crystal in a bowl of water and salt – preferably sea salt – and leave it overnight.
  4. Salt: Put the energy crystal in salt, and leave it overnight, especially the first time. Next time, use your intuition about how long it takes to clear.
  5. Earth: Place the energy crystal in the earth where it came from and leave it overnight. If you don’t have a garden, your plant soil will do.
  6. Sun: Let the sunlight work its magic and clear any previous dark energy of the crystal.
  7. Other crystals: Place your energy crystal next to another energy crystal, such as white quartz, which has strong cleansing properties.
  8. Visualization: Hold the crystal and visualize its cleansing. You have the power to do this as long as you focus and fill your crystal with light and new energy.


Where and how to place your energy crystals

Crystals emit living energy, so they need light. Place them on surfaces or put them inside a display case that allows light.

To preserve their properties and not “get mixed up” with others, place them separately or with similar energy crystals.

ενεργειακός κρύσταλλος

How to “program” your energy crystals

Hold the energy crystal in your hand and think about your intention, depending on the properties of the crystal.

If it is rose quartz, concentrate, just think or say out loud:

I welcome love into my heart and my life.

If it is amethyst, in the same way, you can program it by saying:

I calm my spirit, strengthen my intuition.

As we said, energy crystals have memory, so they can be programmed by you and tuned to your needs.


How important faith is

As with all healing, and in the healing process of energy crystals, some kind of faith is needed.

The more you believe in something, the more power you give to the healing it offers you.

In fact, the surge in interest in energy crystals is largely due to people’s need to feel their faith in something tangible, something that is literally in their hands.

Energy crystals have unique healing properties, which is why they were used by peoples and tribes who recognize the miraculous power of the earth and trust it for their spiritual and physical healing.

Still, even the simple intention you project to each crystal, such as wanting to be more open, gain more courage, or attract more opportunities in life, is a significant asset in itself.

Because every time you see your crystal or hold it in meditation or place it on a part of your body, you remember what it is that you need in life, what is your purpose, what is your need in the phase at hand, how should you move forward. And this is invaluable knowledge and power.


Energy Healing – Your Growth Guide

Energy crystals interact with your energy in a valuable healing way.

We would say that it is a unique form of self-care that if you add it to your life, you will see significant positive changes.

Come and discuss them and see how we can incorporate them into your energy treatments to help you holistically address your issues and revitalize your life.

Whichever energy treatment you choose, it works in addition to your psychotherapy session, if you are following it, and to your medication, if you are taking it for a health problem. No medications are provided.


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