Do you worry all the time?

At some moments or times in our lives, we can all feel a particular anxiety, especially under certain conditions of intense pressure and stress.

But there are people who worry all the time and usually for no great, obvious reason.

These people see the everyday events of life as a real threat, because they always have in mind the worst case scenario, the worst outcome.

Their worry is persistent and excessive, but no matter how much they themselves acknowledge it, it does not cease to make them suffer inside.

Most of the times, they act as if they are preparing for an impending disaster.

We could, of course, say that their concern is also an attempt to control everything, an early assessment of all possible situations or outcomes.

They have all the answers to their questions, only those answers are all negative.

It is no coincidence that intense and constant worry is associated with the 6th chakra, the third eye chakra, which is about spiritual communication, awareness and perception. We would say that the anja, as it is also called, is the decision-making control center.


When it is blocked, it causes, in addition to constant restlessness, serious problems as irritability, headaches, vision problems, brain and neurological disorders, difficulty concentrating, difficulty sleeping and discomfort.

The mind jumps from the disappointments of the past to the anxieties of the future. The person is possessed by self-limiting perceptions, feels that he has no purpose, underestimates his powers, feels anxiety, anguish, insecurity and fear.

But when the inner eye is open it offers wisdom, insight and strong intuition. The person has confidence in himself and his abilities. He has the will and courage to face any challenge that comes his way.

Really, how are you feeling at this time?

Are you afraid that every day the end of the world could come, for the most trivial reason, because your boss yelled at you or because you just forgot to get milk for the children at home?

Are you constantly defensive and fearful, full of stress, closed in yourself, like a shield against life itself?

Ask yourself the following questions and answer them honestly:

  • Do I feel constant worry?
  • Is there a specific reason I feel constant anxiety?
  • Is this a serious reason for me to feel so worried?
  • Do I lack confidence in myself and my abilities?
  • Why don’t I have confidence in myself and my abilities?
  • How can I feel more confident in myself and my strengths?
  • How can I open up to the world more willingly and boldly?

Empower your third eye with positive affirmations that you say out loud to yourself every day, such as:

  • I acknowledge my life’s purpose
  • I am open to the universe
  • I trust my intuition
  • I know that I have the power to succeed

Take time for yourself to meditate alone or with the help of crystals, mainly of purple colour.

But most of all, come and talk about what you’re feeling. Let’s do the right energy therapy for you that will unblock those anxious thoughts and release your most powerful, confident self.


Our energy therapy will work in addition to your psychotherapy if you follow one.

It is completely natural, no drugs are provided.

Through it we will eliminate your constant worry, restoring the good flow of energy to the 6th chakra. In this way, we will bring back to light the pure part of you, the one that experiences life with wisdom, calmness and deep trust in the flow of life itself.

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