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What does it mean to be “yourself”?

The advice we hear more than any other from other people especially before showing up to important meetings of our life is “be yourself”.

We often hear this phrase as one person’s ultimate self-realization.

What is happiness, we hear, to be yourself.

What does this phrase mean, though, and why is it so hard to just be yourself?

First of all, in order to be oneself, one must know who oneself is: what are one’s values, one’s strengths and weaknesses, what are one’s wants, how one wants to live one’s life.

Knowing oneself has always been the most difficult challenge for every human being.

Few will answer quickly if you ask them “what is it that you want?” It is strange, but it’s true.

Why is this happening?

The society plays an important role. Since we were children we learn from our parents, teachers, older people how we should behave, how we should think.

If something is different about us, even if we just wear bigger glasses, the kids at school will find reasons to laugh at us and give us a nickname.

We grow up in a society that shows us in every way what is cool, trendy and popular.

We see role models who are far away from our personality and yet we dream from a young age to look like them.

How to distinguish one’s own voice among so many loud voices coming from every place?

Today there is the promise of possibility, or rather the myth, that anyone can become anything they want, as long as they work for it or have the right connections.

The options seem to be endless for us, like we were made to be everything.

And somewhere there begins a struggle to reach a destinatioh, which we do not know if it is our own true destination, or our father’ s / our neighbour’s / or a known influencer’ s desire.

If someone is introverted or all they dream out of life is to find a quiet job and start a family, it seems very uncool in the age of public expressions and big ambitions.

In order to finally be “yourself” it is important to:

  • Know who you are

It takes a lot of courage to be able to look at yourself honestly and acknowledge your strengths and weaknesses.

It takes a very clear mind and heart to discern what your values ​​are and what your attitude towards life and others.

It takes guts, but only if you know yourself, you can be yourself.

If you got lost, meet yourself again, talk and get to know each other better. If you love yourself as it is, you will have forever the best friend you could ever have in your life.

  • Don’t care what other people think. Accept yourself first.

People judge each other easily, without even realizing it. When someone tells us something, we basically think about whether we like it or not. Usually if he deviates from our point of view, we tend to dislike his opinion.

Many people fall into the trap of living up to the expectations of others in order to be liked. An unreasonably huge sacrifice since others will always find something to judge whatever we do.

Listen to a thousand opinions, but live according to yours. Your opinion is the only one that counts in your mind, heart and soul.

  • Don’t compare yourself to anyone else

Each person is a different universe. Yet one is used to comparing himself with the other at the level of character, relationships, successes, finances, etc.

Remember that you are unique. You have your own way of going through life, your own pace, your own destination.

  • Make your own unique wishing lists and bucket lists

During the holidays we tend to make wishing lists that look so identical, as if we are all one.

Really, do we all want to go to the gym or go on long trips? Many people discover their world at home.

Also, we are bombarded by bucket lists like “50 things to do by 50” and if we haven’t done something like that we feel incomplete or coward. 

We are not all born for climbing Kilimanjaro.

Make your own unique wishing & bucket lists. Your life, your desires!

There is so much we have to say about you. Let’s meet. The Life Coaching service was created to get to know the most important person in the world for you, your real self, and to walk through life together, with acceptance, love, clarity.

This is the greatest success in life, because it is unique, just like you.

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