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How to tell your own story, as an entrepreneur

The storytelling dominates the business market today.

Every company has its own journey, vision, values ​​and goals on its website. Every entrepreneur when given the opportunity of a public speech or interview tells his own unique story.

Why is storytelling so powerful in our times?

Because, traditionally, we love to hear great stories and we listen to them with more attention and interest than we would ever listen to cold statistics and numbers.

Through the entrepreneur’s storytelling, we become emotionally involved, especially if he faced common, difficult challenges with us, regardless of whether we work in a different field.

Today storytelling functions well not only in business factor, but also in politics, science, everywhere.

The stories describe us the journey, the obstacles and challenges and how they were overcome. The more obstacles were presented during this journey, and the more perseverance, patience, flexibility and creativity the entrepreneur showed, the stronger the inspiration and interaction with us.


However, in order for an entrepreneur to describe his story to his audience, he must first understand it himself.

How he started, what gave him the initial idea, which values ​​took him forward, what adversities took him back, how he faced them and moved on to become what he is today.

This whole path, so as to become a storytelling, requires self-knowlede, which is not always clear, even to the entrepreneur himself, who may in many moments have simply acted in an instinctive way.

So, if you want to tell your own story as an entrepreneur, it’s worth taking the time to think about:

  • which are your values
  • what was your original vision
  • what was your main motivation
  • what obstacles did you encounter
  • how you overcame them
  • what is the challenge you face today
  • how your business is making a difference today
  • what is your future vision

Through the story you will describe, you will better understand your own path and where you are today.

The story you will create will bring your target group even closer to you and your business, with whom you can be united by same interests, like love for people, care for the environment and action for a common goal.

Tell your story, in your own way, highlighting your vulnerable, human elements, but also your special strength. This will make your business much more attractive than if it was just a lifeless, impersonal business, cut off from the world.

If this procedure seems difficult to you, let’s take this journey together through the Business Coaching service. Let’s take it all from the beginning until today. Come and talk to us, because your story deserves to be heard in the best possible way so as to touch the lives of the people you care about.

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