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How are energy healing and science connected?

I know that I know nothing is a statement attributed to Socrates, and it couldn’t be more relevant in today’s world. Indeed, our knowledge about everything is constantly changing at a growing pace, with new discoveries constantly making their appearance. One of these recent changes is the increasing popularity of energy healing and its utilization even in various big hospitals abroad.

However, few may know that science has extensively studied energy healing to investigate its effectiveness and how it operates. Let’s take a look at some intriguing findings below.

What is energy healing?

Energy is the composition of all elements around us, including animals, plants, humans, and even our emotions and thoughts. Any movement we make generates or requires some form of energy. Some examples include even simple processes like clapping our hands.

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Our body requires energy to function properly. In the case of energy imbalances, the body fails to operate correctly, leading to various physical and mental ailments. Energy healing, therefore, constitutes a form of holistic therapy with roots dating back to ancient times. It encompasses a variety of techniques. Through these techniques can be achieved balance and flow of energy. This balance contributes to tranquillity, peace, and physical and mental harmony.

The concept of energy in science

As we mentioned above, a fundamental theory of energy healing is that everything around us is composed of energy. Any action or thought we have generates a certain type of energy. The study of this energy is primarily in science.

We know that energy exists in various forms. Among these are kinetic, electric, chemical, wind, thermal, and other forms of energy. We also know that energy cannot be created or destroyed; it is transformed from one of its forms to another. It is an equally compelling fact that, over the years, we have gained knowledge about more forms of energy. A notable example is the development of nuclear energy, for which we gained some knowledge of the way it operated in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Therefore, it is not unlikely that in the future we will discover more about the forms of energy we already know or even uncover new ones.

Biophotons and energy healing

The concept of light emission from living organisms may sometimes sound like a product of scientific imagination, but it has been extensively studied and validated by scientists. In 1974, German physicist Fritz Albert Popp made a significant discovery.

More specifically, Fritz-Albert Popp was studying the phenomenon of biophoton emission in living organisms when he discovered that all living cells emit an extremely weak light, which he named biophotons. One key characteristic of biophotons is that they are extremely weak and typically fall within the ultraviolet and visible light spectrums. It is believed that they originate from various cellular sources, including DNA, mitochondria, and cell membranes. These emissions are continuous, meaning they are emitted in the form of waves and maintain a continuous flow, allowing them to effectively transmit the information they carry.

This discovery led to the formation of various hypotheses about the role of biophotons in energy healing. As biophotons are involved in cellular processes and the modulation of biochemical pathways, it became evident that various energy healing types, such as Pranic Healing, can influence an individual’s biophoton emissions, resulting in changes in cellular functioning and overall health. As indicated by a study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine in 2005, Qi Gong practitioners could increase photon emissions during a session.

In addition, a systematic study published in the journal Cancer in 2015 examined the effects of energy healing techniques related to biophotons, such as Reiki, Therapeutic Touch, and Healing Touch, on the quality of life of cancer patients. This study showed that these techniques can reduce cancer-related fatigue and pain and improve overall quality of life. The ability to reduce pain was further confirmed the following year, in 2016, with the publication of a research study in the journal Pain Medicine, which found that these types of therapy have a beneficial impact on pain reduction in various populations.

Well, we can observe that living organisms are interconnected and communicate with each other through complex energy systems. Therefore, it is time to change the way we perceive and understand holistic health. In addition to considering the physical and psychological factors, we should also consider how we perceive situations and impetus from the environment. By integrating energy techniques and recognizing the role of biophotons in overall health, we can move towards a more proactive and holistic approach to achieving well-being.

Discovery of body Meridians (PVS)

Many of you may have heard about acupuncture and its beneficial impact on improving physical and mental health and treating chronic pain. Traditional Chinese acupuncture has roots in ancient times. According to ancient Chinese philosophy, it can achieve energy balance through the painless insertion of needles into predetermined points on the body. These predetermined points are called acupuncture points and are joined by an imaginary line known as a meridian.

Until recent decades, this was our knowledge through ancient traditions. In the 1960s, however, North Korean scientist Bong-Han Kim made an intriguing discovery regarding the existence of a network of super small tissues that link various organs and tissues within the body. He believed these tissues were responsible for transporting an unknown fluid type that contained small, granular substances. He hypothesized that they formed the basis of the meridians referred to in acupuncture.

During the last decades, from the beginning of the 21st century up until today, further studies have been conducted that have confirmed the existence of these meridians. Essentially, they constitute a network of super-small tissues that are located throughout the entire body and connect various organs and tissues. Known as the Primo Vascular System (PVS), these tissues facilitate communication between living organisms and the environment. That is the reason they possess characteristics of the vascular, nervous, immune, and hormonal systems. Their fundamental function is to regulate the entire biological functioning of the body.

Furthermore, these meridians can receive signals from both the external and internal environments. External signals are received from the environment in the form of electromagnetic waves. On the other hand, internal signals are products of metabolic processes and are received as bioelectric, biooptic, and acoustic signals. These signals transmit information to the meridians about the biological functions of the organism. Through studies, it has been established that the midday meridians constitute a “matrix” of the vascular and nervous systems. Let’s explore what this means.

During the early stages of body development, even in the embryonic stage, the meridians are replicated as a “template” by the vascular and nervous systems. Once these systems develop, they stay connected to the meridians. However, the meridians retain control over them because they are the oldest morphological system. Finally, scientists observed that meridians can receive and store information from the external environment that can influence an organism’s DNA.

Based on all this, we can observe that this discovery and further study of these microstructures can give a response to various mysteries regarding the functioning of the human body. The ancient Chinese recognized the significance of the existence of these tissues and identified the appropriate points for promoting good physical and mental health.

Heart function and energy

We should not overlook heart function. The heart and the brain are interconnected and often communicate with each other. This communication occurs through the nervous system. However, these signals can influence the physical and emotional state of an individual. 

Research has demonstrated that during its functioning, the heart generates a strong electromagnetic field that we can detect even several meters away from the body. This field is considered to contain information about an individual’s physical and emotional state. Furthermore, it is in sync with the brain rhythm and nervous system activity. Studies conducted in the 1990s found that this synchronization contributes to good physical health. That is to say, when these systems operate in harmony, we experience emotional stability, mental clarity, and enhanced cognitive abilities. In other words, the body and brain function more effectively when in coherence with the heart, resulting in a sense of well-being and the ability to have a high-quality daily life.

But how did this coherence occur? Through a technique known as HeartMath, which involves specific breathing techniques and other exercises. These techniques contribute to regulating heart rate variability and aligning the heart’s rhythm with the rest of the body’s systems. Scientists have found that these techniques don’t induce relaxation, as previously understood, but promote coherence in the functioning of vital organs within the body. The concept of coherence is a central aspect of energy therapy, aiming to support the optimal functioning of the body and the mind.

How can energy healing help us?

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We observe that through energy healing, ancient people have identified all the ways the human body works, ways that we can now recognize its existence. Through a multitude of energy healing techniques, we can come even closer to our overall well-being. It has been proven that energy healing can have a positive impact on various physical and mental states. Science has started to accept its efficacy and now focuses on justifying it. By understanding how energy works and the principles of energy healing, we can enhance our overall well-being. Some popular and effective energy therapies include:

Pranic Healing

Pranic Healing is an ancient technique, and its name originates from the word “Prana,” which means vital energy in ancient Sanskrit. During a session, the healer applies various techniques to cleanse the patient’s energy and channel clean, positive energy, which can help balance the body’s energy and improve mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

There have been numerous studies conducted on this energy-healing technique and its effectiveness. Indeed, Pranic Healing can help reduce anxiety and improve mental well-being. According to a study on the effectiveness of Pranic Healing in chronic pain, patients who underwent a series of sessions experienced a reduction in pain intensity. Additionally, in 2014, the Journal of Yoga published a study on the effects of Pranic Healing on reducing anxiety levels among students. The students who received Pranic Healing sessions showed significantly lower levels of anxiety compared to other students who did not undergo similar sessions.

A study published in Life Sciences in 2004 investigated the effects of Pranic Healing on the growth of HeLa cells, a cancer cell line. The study found that Pranic Healing had inhibitory effects on the increase of these cells, indicating that it may contribute to cancer therapy.

Cosmoenergy Healing

Cosmoenergy Healing is an energy healing technique that harnesses the energy frequencies of the universe. It is worth mentioning that in our current understanding have been recorded more than 200 cosmic energy frequencies. Each of these frequencies is used for a different purpose. Why would someone turn to this type of technique? For spiritual issues that one may be facing as well as physical ailments.

Science could not ignore and not study this healing technique. A study published in the Journal of Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice in 2017 demonstrated that patients facing serious illnesses who underwent several sessions of Cosmoenergy Healing experienced significant improvements in their emotional well-being and reduction of anxiety and depression.

However, Cosmoenergy Healing can have positive effects on issues related to cardiovascular health as well. Specifically, a 2016 study investigated the consequences of Cosmoenergy Healing on patients with coronary artery disease. In patients who underwent only a few sessions of this type of treatment, a positive impact was observed in their blood pressure levels, heart rate, and overall cardiovascular function.


Reiki, which originated in ancient Japan, consists of various forms. The most popular among them is Usui Reiki, developed by Sensei Usui. Its name is derived from the words “rei,” meaning universe, and “ki,” meaning vital energy. This therapy contributes to restoring the energy balance in the body and promoting deep relaxation.

Research on Reiki varies, and there have been interesting studies conducted. In 2014, an intriguing meta-analysis was published in the scientific journal Pain Management Nursing. Essentially, it analyzed the relationship between Reiki and pain as well as the use of opioid medications in cancer patients. The results showed that several Reiki sessions reduced pain levels and the need for opioid medication consumption. The following year, in 2018, a study was published in the International Journal of Nursing Practice examining the effects of Reiki on postoperative pain in patients who underwent abdominal surgery. The patients who received Reiki sessions experienced less pain compared to those who did not.

Equally important is the 2017 meta-analysis published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. It analyzed 13 studies on the effectiveness of Reiki in pain management, anxiety reduction, and depression. The results confirmed that Reiki can be particularly effective in addressing these conditions.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that a significant part of the discussion surrounding Reiki and energy healing, in general, is whether they function as a placebo. However, a 2017 study demonstrated that Reiki not only does not fall into the placebo category but also offers many benefits as a complementary therapeutic method.

Therapeutic Touch

Therapeutic Touch is an energy healing technique that was developed in the early 1970s by Dolores Krieger, Ph.D., RN, an Emeritus Professor of Nursing at New York University, and Dora Kunz, an energy healer. During a session, the healer places their hands on or near the body of the patient. By doing so, the healer directs or shapes the patient’s energy, interacting with his energetic field. This procedure aims to restore balance to the patient’s energy field, promoting physical and spiritual healing for various conditions and injuries.

Scientific research has been conducted on this type of healing as well. In 2018, a study was published in the Journal of Holistic Nursing examining the effectiveness of Therapeutic Touch on anxiety levels in patients undergoing chemotherapy. The results showed that patients who received Therapeutic Touch had lower levels of anxiety compared to those who did not receive this type of treatment. Furthermore, a significant study from 2016 demonstrated that Therapeutic Touch reduces pain and improves mobility in patients with knee osteoarthritis.

It is worth mentioning that Therapeutic Touch is suitable for all ages, including infants. In 2013, it was found that this type of healing can reduce stress levels and pain in premature infants while they are in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.

Healing Touch

Healing Touch was developed by Janet Mentgen in the late 1980s when she recognized the importance of energy and the therapeutic properties of touch through her work as a nurse. During a Healing Touch session, the patient sits comfortably in a chair or lies on a massage table. The healer then uses various hand movements to identify and clear imbalances in the recipient’s energy field. In most cases, the process does not require physical contact between the recipient and the practitioner. Nowadays, Healing Touch is practiced in various hospitals and clinics internationally, as well as in care centers.

Science, therefore, could not remain indifferent and not examine this type of healing and its benefits. Specifically, in 2014, a study examined Healing Touch and its association with cancer-related fatigue in patients undergoing radiation therapy. The results of the study were encouraging in terms of reducing the occurrence of fatigue compared to other patients. At the same time, in 2017, another study examined the effects of Healing Touch on the postoperative recovery of patients who had undergone spinal surgery. This healing type contributed to the reduction of pain, anxiety, and the need for pharmacological treatment.

Finally, a study published in 2012 in the Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing is of great interest, as it examined the impact of Healing Touch on anxiety levels in patients undergoing cardiac catheterization. What was the result? A reduction of anxiety levels in these patients.

The connection of energy healing and science

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Based on all the above, we observe that in recent years there has been a significant interest in understanding how energy healing works. Science has dedicated a substantial part of its research to comprehending the functioning of energy and energy healing.  It has made some remarkable discoveries, including:

  • In the 1960s, the scientist Bong-Han Kim discovered a network of very small tissues that connect various parts of the organism. He hypothesized that this network corresponds to what the ancient Chinese called the “Meridians.” The confirmation of this network came several decades later, in the early 21st century, and it was named the “Primo Vascular System,” with the main function of regulating biological body processes.
  • In 1974, German physicist Fritz-Albert Popp discovered biophotons, extremely weak light emissions that emit all living organisms.
  • In the 1990s, researchers at the HeartMath Institute discovered that the heart generates a strong electromagnetic field. Furthermore, they found that when the respiratory, cardiac, and brain systems operate in coherence or synchrony, we experience emotional clarity and a better daily life.
  • In 2004, a study published in the journal Life Sciences concluded that Pranic Healing has inhibitory properties on the expansion of the cancerous cell line HeLa.
  • In 2005, the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine published a study in which it was found that experienced Qi Gong trainers can increase photon emissions during a session.
  • In 2012, according to the Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, it was found that Healing Touch has positive effects on anxiety levels in patients undergoing cardiac catheterization.
  • In 2015, a study published in the journal Cancer found that energy-based therapies such as Therapeutic Touch or Healing Touch can contribute to the improvement of quality of life in cancer patients by reducing cancer-related fatigue and pain.
  • In 2016, it was found that Cosmoenergy Healing contributes to balancing arterial blood pressure levels and heart rate. At the same time, it offers positive effects on the overall cardiovascular function of the body.
  • In the same year, it was also observed that Therapeutic Touch contributes to reducing pain and improving mobility in patients dealing with knee osteoarthritis.
  • In 2017, according to the Journal of Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, it was demonstrated that several sessions of Cosmoenergy Therapy can have positive effects on reducing anxiety and depression. Similarly, Reiki has been found to offer positive effects on anxiety and depression, according to another study published in the same journal in the same year.
  • Equally important was the research conducted in 2017, which found that Reiki does not function solely as a placebo but can serve as a complementary method of treatment.
  • In 2018, according to a study published in the Journal of Nursing Practice, it was found that Reiki can have positive effects in reducing postoperative pain.

The future of energy healing

Energy healing is a holistic form of treatment based on the energy and interconnectedness of the mind, body, and spirit. Science has progressed in studying energy healing and has recognized its effectiveness in various research studies. However, further research is needed to understand the underlying mechanisms that make it so effective. As technology advances, researchers will have more tools at their disposal to measure and analyze energy, as well as how it moves and influences the body. We can expect more discoveries in the future. We should not forget that the existence of meridians in the body has been confirmed in recent years.

Based on the scientific evidence, energy healing can serve as a tool for our overall well-being. By understanding how energy works, we can ensure physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being and improve the quality of our lives.

Let’s discuss the benefits of energy healing and find the one that suits you best. Whatever treatment you choose, it will work in conjunction with any guidance you may have received from your doctor or psychologist.

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