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Energy Healing: The relationship with Western medicine and its benefits

Although energy healing has become increasingly popular only in recent decades, its roots are found in ancient times.

Since then, they have been the natural elixir for the mental and physical well-being of every human being.

They are based on the philosophy that everything is energy, even we ourselves are energy.

Around our physical, visible body there is an invisible energy field that our ancients called ether, the Indian Prana, the Chinese Ki, and the Japanese Ki.

This invisible energy field or body is powered by the sun, water, earth, as well as the mental and emotional fields. In turn it nourishes the physical body through the energy bodies: the chakras and the nadis or meridians that carry energy from chakra to chakra.

As we have already said, the etheric body receives energy, among others, from the mental and the emotional field.

Our thoughts are energy. Our emotions are energy.

When our thoughts and emotions remain negative for a long time, blockages or imbalances are created in the natural flow of our bioenergy. If they are not treated in time, there is a risk of manifesting as a physical pain or even as a serious illness.

Just remember a time that was very difficult for you, a time when you had to deal with a particularly unpleasant change in your life, such as the death of a loved one or the sudden loss of your job.

How would you describe now the energy you had then? It would certainly have felt like something doomed and dark, as if there was a black cloud around your physical body, which you felt, with all your being, pulling you down.

Energy healings come to clear this cloud and restore the natural flow of energy, bringing immediate, positive, luminous results to your body, mind and soul.

By clearing blockages or imbalances in energy fields, energy healings allow your body its own natural ability: to heal itself.

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Energy therapies & Western medicine

Energy therapies work in addition or as an alternative to western medicine treatments. Energy therapies do not provide medication. They mainly act preventively, since they prevent, through the release of the flow, the manifestation of the emotional or mental blockage as a serious disease in your body.

But even at the next level, where the disease has already manifested, they can work helpfully by significantly reducing the negative side effects, such as physical and mental pain.

Therefore, today tends to be a synergy between western medicine treatments and energy treatments.

Benefits of Energy Healing

Specifically, through energy therapies, you can:

  • solve sleep issues
  • reduce back pain
  • regulate your blood pressure
  • heal wounds
  • treat osteoarthritis
  • relax muscle tension
  • fight migraine and headache
  • feel clarity and mental alertness
  • release negative thoughts and feelings
  • overcome addictions and attachments
  • feel peace of mind
  • empower your intuition
  • feel deeper connection with yourself and the Wholeness
  • experience life with full consciousness
  • discover a deeper purpose

Nowadays you may be dealing with a specific problem, or you may generally feel your energy heavier, doom and tired.

Don’t let your energy stagnate any more.

Come. Let’s talk. Together we will find which energy treatments suit you and determine the specific goals we want to achieve through them, beyond your general well-being.

Remember that this whole process is not based on some mystical talent or some kind of magic, but on comprehensive certified training and practice, with tangible results.

Energy treatments come from ancient times to teach us the obvious fact today:

that we are energy, so it is to our own benefit to clean our energy, the same way we clean our body: often, consciously, with care and love.

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