μαύρη τουρμαλίνη

Black Tourmaline: The Crystal That Dispels Negativity

Black tourmaline is a crystal which, thanks to its many properties, is considered a versatile tool. Anyone connected with it releases negative energies and anger that surround them, helps with psychic self-protection, and contributes to calmness and serenity. Many characterize it as the crystal of diplomacy, as once calm and serenity are achieved, a person finds it easier to communicate their feelings and assert their desires. In modern times, with negative energy pervasive around us, it might be essential for everyone to possess a black tourmaline.

What is a tourmaline?

Tourmaline belongs to the silicate minerals and has a hardness of 7-7.5. It is usually black but can also be found in other shades such as green, red, pink, and blue. Equally popular is watermelon tourmaline, a crystal with a pink center and a green outline. Depending on how sunlight hits it, its color may change slightly. Its name comes from the Sinhalese word “touramalli,” which means something small coming out of the earth. This stone was known in Ceylon and India and arrived in Europe in 1703. Indians believed that tourmaline bestows eloquence and the ability to memorize. Older traditions mentioned that whoever wears a tourmaline will make the right decisions.

What Properties Does Black Tourmaline Have?

ιδιότητες μαύρης τουρμαλίνης

Black tourmaline is considered a tool for protection and energy cleansing. However, its properties do not stop there. More specifically, it is known for:

Energy cleansing

One significant property of black tourmaline is that it cleanses the energy field of a space or person. Additionally, it removes energy blockages and contributes to the restoration of spiritual balance.

Energy protection

One of the most fundamental characteristics of black tourmaline is that it acts as an energy shield. More specifically, it absorbs and repels negative energy received from various stimuli in the surrounding environment. This protection creates safety both during meditation and in daily life in general.


Black tourmaline connects the individual with the root chakra and the center of the Earth, enhancing well-being. The root chakra is located at the base of the spine and is the fundamental foundation of the body’s physical and spiritual energy. When a person is grounded, they are focused on the here and now, sleep better, feel balanced and secure, have greater concentration, and experience increased sexual drive.

Learn more about grounding your energy

Spiritual evolution

Another significant aspect is that it aids in a person’s spiritual evolution. As it cleanses energy blockages, it facilitates access to inner wisdom and spiritual growth.

Release of anger

This crystal helps reduce anger, promotes relaxation, and creates a sense of calm that everyone needs from time to time. In this way, one can continue to uphold their beliefs and goals and continue striving for them.

Reduction of negative emotions

Another fundamental property of black tourmaline is that through the cleansing it performs, it removes negative thoughts and anxiety. It replaces tension and stress with the ability to see the world more clearly. If combined with rose quartz, negative energy and negative emotions are transformed into love.

Diplomatic stance

Once the above have been achieved, one acts more diplomatically, with greater flexibility and clear thinking. Anger no longer clouds judgment, and we assert what we deserve in an intelligent manner.

Healing properties

The properties of black tourmaline do not end there. As it grounds and removes stress and negative energy, a person becomes calmer. Consequently, the immune system is stronger, and sexuality is increased.

How to Cleanse Black Tourmaline

There are several methods for cleansing black tourmaline. The most effective method is using saltwater. Pour salt into a bowl of water and place the crystal in it for about half a day. Then, rinse the crystal under running water and place it on a cloth made of natural material such as wool, cotton, or silk. Leave it in the sunlight to recharge for about an hour.

A fairly common but less effective method is passing the crystal through smoke from burning sage, sandalwood, or other elements.

Read more here about crystal care.

Black Tourmaline in the Home

Black tourmaline is a crystal that also helps cleanse the energy of the home. It acts as an energy shield in the home, cleansing negative energy and preventing it from entering. To benefit from its beneficial properties, place a large piece at the entrance of the house, in the bathroom, living room, or bedroom.


In summary, black tourmaline is a crystal that removes negative energy. It can be used in Crystal Healing or simply kept in a home to ward off anything that might negatively affect it. Contact me to harness the power of this crystal and see your life change holistically!

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