In the beginning was the word. How much power this phrase hides! Think about it!
Before something manifest as reality, you first think of it and say it to yourself, using the words that describe it.
- “How much I would like to meet someone!”
- “I need a change in my life!”
- “I don’t want this job anymore!”
The dangerous thing about using such general statements is that their manifestation in life can be done in quite different ways than you would like, because life has its own imagination,
e.g.: you may meet someone, but he/she could be completely unsuitable for you, you may have a change in your life, but in a completely negative way, you may lose your job, but in a particularly unpleasant way for you and with no prospect of finding another job soon.
How different it would be, though, if you thought about the following descriptions – requests like:
“How I would like to meet the ideal partner for me, so we together create a nice family!”
“I need a positive change in my life, I need to feel more creative and happy!”
“I don’t want this job any longer, I deserve to find a job in the field of …. (fill in the one you prefer) immediately, to have a more creative work routine”
The statements you are interested in can differ in content, and have much more precise details, if you are one of the lucky few who know exactly what they want from their lives.
Also, words become even more powerful if you write them down and repeat them out loud or in your head as often as you can throughout the day.
Few people, unfortunately, pay attention to what words they use when communicating with themselves or others.
When you are faced with some difficulty, are you one of those people who confirm yourself “I am going forward with courage! I can make it!” or you fill your mind with negative thoughts, such as “I’m worthless”, “I’ll screw it up again”, “I’m scared!”
Take an instant test while you are reading these lines:
Look yourself in the mirror and say out loud:
“I believe in myself, every day my life gets better!”
How do you feel? I imagine you smiling, up to the ears, feeling your face and body run with light and positive energy.
Now, look yourself in the mirror and say out loud:
“Why I can’t do anything right?”
Surely, your eyes are already looking down and you feel a black cloud over your face and body as your energy drops noticeably.
Words affect directly your soul and body. They say “thoughts become actions and actions become your destiny”. That’s why it would be a good idea to choose carefully every word you use when you talk to yourself.
Of course, you will say, logically and humanely, at some point you will feel insecurity and weakness and you will talk harshly to yourself. It is important then to realize this and correct it immediately by replacing the negative phrase with a positive one, if you want to chart a happier and more dynamic path in your life.
Words also have their own power when you communicate with others. They can persuade the other people to come closer to you or create discomfort, pressure and drive them away.
They can create love, trust, real closeness or provoke distance, difficulty, insecurity.
Before you talk to a person you are interested in – professionally, personally or socially – think about the feeling you want to create to this person, how you would like him/her to feel when he/she hears your words.
Love or fear? Understanding or discomfort? Safety or concern?
The words you choose to communicate are so powerful that they can fix or break your relationships. Use them wisely.
Finally, if you pay attention to the words that describe your problem, you are likely to find its solution as well.
Let’s say that you’re not feeling very well right now. If you stick to this general description of your feeling, it will be more difficult to find what you need to do next.
But if you proceed to more precise descriptions,
e.g.: “I feel confused”, you will be led to more specific questions, such as: In what area do I feel confused? What are my options? What are the pros and cons of my choice? Do I gain anything, like time, if I remain confused, if I don’t make a choice now?
or “I feel frustrated”. This description of your feeling leads to other questions such as: Who disappoints me? Myself or others? Why? What can I do to fix this? Do I want to fix it? How?
The more precise the word that describes the feeling that arises from your problem, the more specific and useful the questions that arise will be, and will better guide you in uncovering your ideal next move.
We still have a lot to say.
Come to find together the best possible words through a Life Coaching that will change your thoughts, your actions and ultimately your whole life.
Because, in the beginning was the word. Your own word.