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Are you blocking your success?

If you are a professional or an entrepreneur, you obviously aim for success, at least on a conscious level. On a subconscious level, you may be sabotaging, in different ways, your professional development and advancement.

To the question of why someone might sabotage their own success, there are many answers, such as:

  • because he is afraid that he will not succeed in the end
  • because he is afraid of losing his values
  • because he is afraid of losing his personal life

You may be also sabotaging your success:

  • If you are always late for work and deadlines

Your inconsistency projects very negative professional characteristics to others, such as poor time management, lack of interest and lack of reliability.

If you want to change that, organize your time better and set your alarm, at least an hour ahead. Commit that you and your work will show up on time. It is important, because only in this way will others trust you and eventually invest in you.

  • If you gossip, fight or create intrigues

An important asset in professional success remains the ethos of the character and the way one interacts within a team. Anything in your reactions that shows you are being disruptive and aggressive will do more harm to you than to those you are fighting against.

After all, gossip, fights and intrigue eat up the time that you could give to improving your work.

  • If you remain stagnant

Contemporary times require constant learning of new skills, vigilance and constant adaptation to new data. These require more time from you, beyond your business hours. If you don’t want to give more time, the work itself in its development will “kick” you out of the market. It’s harsh, but true.

  • If you are hiding and not insisting on your rights

We understand that you may have an introverted personality and you don’t like to attract attention. But if you hide at the times you should be speaking up and asserting yourself and letting others take credit for your work, then it stands to reason that it will backfire on you.

Keep your low profile character, but learn how to defend yourself and bring it forward, so that you can proceed as you deserve.

  • If you do not take on new responsibilities

“That’s not my job!” Here is a phrase that you should never say at work, where you want to be indispensable. Ask for and take on new responsibilities, for two reasons. Firstly, this way you will become an integral part of the business, secondly because this way you will enhance your knowledge and experience at the same time, something very useful in the market in general.

  • If you are very critical of yourself

You may be very afraid, feel insecure, do not believe in your own abilities. Unfortunately, when this insecurity is felt by you it is very visible to others, who in turn hesitate to invest in you.

Ask yourself why you feel this way and how you could empower you mentally. Not just for professional reasons, but because after all you don’t deserve to feel this way. Recognize your strengths, you certainly have ones, and focus on projecting them to others, thus gaining their positive impressions.

In addition to the ways you can subconsciously block your own success, there is also the general fear of success.

The classic signs of fear of success are when someone does everything right, invests a lot of time in his effort, stays up all night, struggles for the result and when it is time to be recognized with success, he starts to have irritability, lack of concentration and make mistakes , like the ones we mentioned above.


In this case, it is good for anyone who is generally afraid of success to recognize and embrace their fear and go for what they deserve, their success, in spite of their fear.

If you feel afraid of success and recognize yourself reading the above, come and talk to me. Here you will find the right services or energy healings for you, the ones that will bring out not only your best self, but will successfully release your best professional self.

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