Energy Therapy for Hip Pain

The Hip connects the pelvis to the thigh. Its articulation consists of the femur (in the inner part) and the acetabulum of the pelvis. Both are covered by cartilage and synovial membrane. The synovial membrane creates a small amount of fluid, which acts as a lubricant so that the cartilage moves without friction.

Hip basics

The Hip, one of the largest joints in the body, is a very important point, since:

  • supports the weight of the body
  • allows proper walking

The Hip supports us every time we walk, bend, run, or lift a weight.

Statistically, everyone at some point in their life, children, men, women and seniors will experience Hip pain. It is, however, a more common pain in women and older people. It can be mild pain or very intense, both at rest and with movement. Hip pain becomes worrying if it persists for more than a week, especially if its intensity increases progressively.

Examinations – Diagnosis – Western Treatment

The doctor will ask for the patient’s history. The tests that are done to diagnose Hip pain are mainly imaging (MRI or X-ray). Sometimes, blood tests may also be requested.

The difficulty of diagnosis lies in the different, obvious and less obvious causes that cause pain in the Hip. In addition, the pain in the Hip can “hit” different places, such as the knee and thus confuse the diagnosis.

Depending on the cause of the pain, the orthopedist may recommend rest for some time, from days to weeks, ice therapy, temporary use of crutches and medication (anti-inflammatory drugs, paracetamol). In some cases, he may recommend physical therapy. Surgery is recommended as a last resort, only if deemed necessary.

When hip pain concerns children, the collaboration of an orthopaedist and a paediatrician is recommended.

What Causes Hip Pain?

There are many different causes of hip pain. The doctor will first ask if the pain was caused by falling or lifting a heavy object, and then look for other causes through tests.

  • Arthritis & Osteoarthritis of the Hip: These conditions are more common in women. In these cases, Hip pain is chronic and needs more systematic care to reduce.
  • Tendonitis: It concerns those who systematically do intense sports, and who show inflammation in the tendons, which connect the muscles to the joints, in the hip.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis: It is a chronic autoimmune disease that causes inflammation in the joints of the body and the hip joint.
  • Post-traumatic arthritis: It mainly affects elderly people after a hip fracture or injury.
  • Fatigue fracture: It can be caused by excessive muscle fatigue, especially if anatomical problems exist.
  • Blood diseases, such as sickle cell anaemia
  • Gynecological issues: Hip pain can be caused by gynaecological issues such as endometriosis.
  • Osteoporosis: People suffering from osteoporosis tend to experience hip pain more often due to the fragility of their joints.
  • Hernia, inguinal hernia: The hernia or inguinal hernia “hits” with pain in the Hip. Women usually feel this pain during their pregnancy.
  • Aseptic necrosis of the femoral head: The diagnosis is made only by MRI.
  • Cancer: It can be primary bone cancer or metastatic cancer, which has spread to the Hip from another part of the body.

Patient’s Psychology 

The pain in the hip makes it difficult to walk, therefore the daily life of the patient. Every step is taken with the persistent reminder of pain, difficult and painful.

Also, an extra insecurity is created in the person who has pain in the hip, in case he makes a wrong move and burdens the already existing pain, as a result of which he practically fears his every move. Hip pain significantly affects the quality of life of any person who suffers from it.

According to a recent study, prolonged sitting still is one of the main causes of hip pain. Poor posture is also linked to depression, fatigue, anxiety and headaches.


In holistic healing, the body is one with the soul. The body is sick when the soul is sick, the body is healed when the soul is healed. It couldn’t be otherwise. Your body is energy, often blocked by negative feelings and thoughts.

Hip pain is associated with the second chakra, the sacral chakra (Svadhisthana), located just below the navel. This chakra relates to your creativity and sexuality.

If you have hip pain, ask yourself how creative you feel, and how your creativity is expressed. Ask yourself, too, how comfortable or uncomfortable you are with your sexuality.

Ask the following questions and any other questions that come to mind about your creativity and sexuality. Take this test for yourself and answer with all honesty and courage:

  • Do you feel that you are a creative person?
  • How open are you to new ideas?
  • What is your body image?
  • How comfortable are you with your sexuality?
  • Do you feel ashamed of your body?

Identify what causes you shame, fear, and insecurity and empower yourself energetically, emotionally and ultimately physically.

Say positive statements such as:

  • I am receptive to new ideas
  • I am open to the new
  • I get inspired and create
  • I embrace my sexuality
  • I honour my body, as it is, and take care of it

Use the power of healing crystals to banish negativity and increase your sense of self-confidence (find crystal that effect Sacral Chakra here). Meditate with their help. Connect with the water. It is no coincidence that swimming is highly recommended for those with hip pain.

Find new ways to be creative and incorporate them into your life. It doesn’t matter what that way is, as long as it relaxes and entertains you. If you are not good at painting, but relax playing with colours, paint exclusively for you, with your soul. In this internal process, the opinion of others does not matter at all.

Visualize the colour of your sacral chakra, which is orange. Nourish your body with foods that are orange in colour (sweet potato, pumpkin, mango, carrot, etc.)

The Hip is the area on each side of the pelvis. The hips are considered a container of your emotional stress, that is why it is called the emotional drawer of your body.

Focus on your emotions that accumulate there, even when the surface stress seems to be gone. Feel them, release them. Release fear and anxiety. Release the shame and guilt. Breathe deeply. Relax mentally and physically.

Energy Healing – Your Growth Guide

Your Growth Guide’s philosophy is that no problem is purely physical, so a holistic approach is required.

By clearing your energy, we release what is blocking you emotionally and physically.

Choose the energy treatment that suits you and release your inner and outer movement with more confidence.

Whatever treatment you choose, it will work in addition to your doctor’s instructions. No medications are provided.

Let’s take the necessary steps together, to step firmly into your world, without pain.

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