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Chakras and Illnesses: How Are They Related?

It has been proven that mental health is closely related to physical health. The illnesses that manifest in our energetic body from time to time are the result of many factors, with the psychological factor being just one of them. For example, if you reflect on various periods of your life, you will notice that you fell ill more often when you were not doing well mentally. Or, if you were plagued by even the simplest cold for a prolonged period, your mood would drop, and often irritability would arise.

Whenever symptoms appear, you should always consult your doctor. According to ancient traditions that prevailed in the East, the energy centers—known as chakras—play a role in the energetic regulation of the body. When a chakra becomes blocked, various illnesses can manifest. Below, we will discuss how the occurrence of different illnesses is connected to the functioning of the chakras, from the perspective of Energy Healing.


According to Martin Brofman, the symptoms of seasonal flu—such as fever, cough, headache, muscle pain, and fatigue—are linked to specific imbalances in the chakras. Fever and cough indicate anger, while a flu-related headache suggests tension in the crown chakra, which is associated with issues of authority or feelings of isolation. Muscle pain reflects tension in the solar plexus chakra and a sense of weakness, while fatigue may point to tension in both the solar plexus and root chakra. Tensions in the root chakra are related to survival issues.

Similarly, Louise Hay believes that illnesses are caused by negative emotions and thoughts. Regarding the flu, she considers it an expression of “pressure and fear” someone feels, along with the need for rest and isolation. Additionally, Lise Bourbeau asserts that every illness is the result of an emotional cause, and the flu may reflect inner conflict and the need to withdraw from the pressures of daily life, allowing oneself to rest and rejuvenate.

Common Cold

According to Brofman, the symptoms of the common cold—such as runny nose, nasal congestion, sneezing, sore throat, cough, headaches, and muscle aches—are linked to specific tensions in the chakras. Nasal symptoms indicate tension in the root chakra and a perceptual filter of insecurity. A sore throat points to the throat chakra and unexpressed anger. Similarly to the flu, headaches from a cold are connected to tensions in the crown chakra, which pertain to authority issues. Muscle aches reflect the feeling that the individual lacks strength.

Louise Hay also believes that illnesses stem from negative emotions and thoughts. In the case of the common cold, she suggests it represents the “pressure and confusion” one feels, along with the need for rest and self-care. Another theory posits that every illness has an emotional cause and that a cold may reflect the need for protection from emotional pressures and the desire to withdraw from daily stress.

Menstrual Pain

According to Martin Brofman, menstrual pain, although common, is not natural, as not all women experience it. This pain may indicate a woman’s disappointment at not being pregnant or may express a perceived disadvantage related to being a woman or functioning as an adult woman.

Other theories suggest that this pain is connected to a rejection of femininity and guilt. One approach to addressing it includes using positive affirmations to foster acceptance and love for the body and the feminine nature. Lise Bourbeau also emphasizes that menstrual pain can reflect emotional tensions and negative feelings surrounding a woman’s identity and her role in society and family.

Moreover, in ancient traditions, menstrual pain may be related to past incarnations. For instance, in a previous life, you may have been a man, and in this current life, being a woman may come with challenges in accepting your feminine side.

Intestinal Discomfort

Intestinal discomfort is linked to various chakras depending on the location of the issue. The intestine, stretching from the stomach to the anus, consists of the small and large intestines. The small intestine is associated with the process of absorption and is connected to the second chakra, reflecting the individual’s relationship with food and the assimilation of nutrients. The large intestine, or colon, is linked to the root chakra and the process of elimination, while the transverse colon, which passes through the solar plexus chakra, may indicate a combination of conditions related to both the solar plexus and the root chakra. Any symptom occurring in this system reflects tension around the root chakra issues in the person’s life. If there is physical discomfort, the point of tension indicates which chakra is nearest to the discomfort (the second or third chakra) and the corresponding tensions in the person’s consciousness.

Furthermore, intestinal discomfort is often connected to a person’s fear of letting go of the past and their inability to rid themselves of old ideas or emotions. To address this, one potential solution is practicing positive affirmations that focus on releasing the past and accepting the new.

Otitis (Ear Infection)

Otitis, which is inflammation or infection of the ear, reflects anger, irritation, or frustration over something the person has heard. If the otitis occurs on the side of will (the right side), it means that what the person heard was contrary to their desires or that they lack the strength to pursue what they want. On the other hand, if it appears on the emotional side (the left), it reflects an emotional reaction to something heard, whether it be a conflict or something considered bad news.

Additionally, ear infections are often associated with anger and the inability to listen to what is happening around, such as arguments or conflicts. They may also relate to a person’s inability to hear what they truly need to hear, whether from others or from themselves. This can stem from a desire to isolate oneself from unpleasant situations or from a fear of criticism.



Headaches are not solely associated with one chakra. Often, they result from multiple negative thoughts. The individual puts themselves in a victim’s position. For example, if someone constantly thinks negatively, such as “Why is this happening to me?” or “Why do these things only happen to me?” It causes dirty energy to accumulate in the crown chakra, which doesn’t leave the body. As this negative energy builds up in this area, tension arises, resulting in headaches.

It’s also possible that a headache stems from accumulated negative energy that has risen to the head from other chakras and cannot be released into the environment. Additionally, tension in the Third Eye chakra, located around the eyebrow area, may indicate that the person is trying to understand themselves, which can also lead to headaches.

Knee Pain

Knee pain is linked to various chakras, primarily the root chakra, which is associated with survival issues such as money, home, or work. Tensions in the root chakra are experienced mainly as insecurity or fear, and these emotions act as a perceptual filter.

The side where the pain occurs is also significant. In Energy Healing, when a problem arises on the right side of the body—considered the masculine side, such as the right knee—it indicates that the person is clinging to the past and refuses to move forward. This also relates to their willpower and fear of pursuing their dreams.

Conversely, the left side, representing the feminine aspect, is linked to emotions. Pain in the left knee suggests emotional insecurity and attachment to the past. It could also mean the person feels guilt or shame over certain events or situations and struggles to forgive themselves and move on with their life. Often, the person victimizes themselves, refusing to accept reality, look toward the future, or seek ways to improve themselves.

Hip Pain

Hip pain is associated with issues related to the first and second chakras. Are you feeling creative lately? Are you expressing this creativity? Do you feel comfortable with your body and sexuality? How are your relationships? Are you expressing your spontaneity and childlike joy? Or are you prioritizing what you “should” do over what you want and following these rules strictly? People who experience hip pain often feel shame about their bodies and their sexual desires. Additionally, as with knee pain, depending on the side where the pain occurs, it could indicate attachment to the past or difficulty in pursuing personal goals.

To address this, it’s recommended to practice daily positive affirmations such as: “I am safe,” “I am worthy.”

Lower Back Pain

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In the case of lower back pain, blockages are typically observed in the first and third chakras, depending on which vertebra is affected. A primary cause of this condition is a sense of insecurity, often related to family, relationships, finances, or career concerns. For this reason, it’s common to experience discomfort in this area during periods of significant changes in one’s personal or professional life. Moreover, if you are not only experiencing pain but also dealing with anger outbursts and emotional shocks, the pain could be due to imbalances in the third chakra.

Learn how to deal with lower back pain with Energy Therapy

Neck Pain

Neck pain is associated with tension in the fifth chakra, the throat chakra. This chakra relates to personal truth and how one communicates it to themselves and others. It becomes blocked when people refrain from speaking when needed or when they talk excessively without saying anything meaningful and fail to listen to others. It also blocks when stress and tension build up. These tensions can lead to neck pain, as the throat chakra is the narrowest and serves as a connection point between the upper and lower chakras.

Physically, prolonged work with poor posture in front of computers is the primary cause of neck pain. This muscle strain can be addressed by paying attention to posture, purchasing an ergonomic chair, taking medication, using a neck brace, or seeking help from a physical therapist. The pain becomes more serious when accompanied by numbness and weakness in the arms or when it occurs after a fall or accident, in which case a doctor’s visit is necessary.

Holistic Approach to Illness

When signs of illness appear, in addition to medical treatments, one can turn to alternative healing methods. These alternative therapies work complementarity with medical solutions, helping balance the energy of the chakras and contributing to the complete removal of symptoms. Some therapies that can lead to a quicker recovery include:

Feel free to reach out to learn more about how each illness is connected to the chakras and what you can do for physical and psychological well-being.

Read also: Everything you need to know about 12 chakras

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