12 chakras

Everything you need to know about 12 chakras

It is difficult to determine the exact number of primary energy centers, or chakras. For example, in Tibetan Tantric Buddhism, five chakras are recognized as primary. In the Western world, the prevailing view is that there are seven chakras. In Pranic Healing, it is believed there are eleven. Others consider there to be twelve, as we will discuss further below. Some believe that the main chakras number 108, while others think there are 108+4. Some believe the total number of chakras is 88,000, while others believe they are as numerous as the cells in the body.


Out of all these, however, we consider the seven to be the most essential for us to focus on for our spiritual development. The root of each chakra lies in the central energy channel of the human being, called sushumna. The sushumna corresponds to the spinal column when referring to the physical body, as opposed to the energetic body.


The chakras are energetically and functionally connected to vital organs, contributing to the regulation of their functions. In simple terms, one could say that each chakra resembles a bidirectional pump, taking in and giving out energy. It also contributes to the transformation of this energy into other frequencies/vibrations.


In this article, apart from the well-known seven chakras, we will also discuss five additional energy centers, which are located outside our body. These five chakras are very interesting…


But what exactly are chakras? What should you know about them? Let’s look at the answer below.

What are chakras?

In general, the composition of our body is more complex than we know. According to ancient traditions, “chakras” in ancient Sanskrit means “wheel.” The human body is made up of vibrating energies that ripple both inside and outside of our body. The chakras function as openings or gateways to multidimensional existence. Through these gateways, the more subtle energies, known as etheric energy/qi/prana, enter the body. The reverse is also true: through the physical body, we can influence the etheric body, which is the basis for practices like Qigong and Hatha Yoga. The bodies communicate with each other like interconnected vessels (physical, etheric, emotional/astral, mental, etc.).


At the same time, our bodies emit energy into the environment and influence it. This means that the chakras have a bidirectional function, through which a person is constantly engaged in a process of energy exchange with their surroundings.

Why are chakras important?

Chakras are as important to humans as all vital organs, such as the lungs or the heart. The chakras and the energy channels (nadis) are also integral parts of the body’s anatomy. These energy centers vibrate at specific frequencies, aiming to maintain the good health of the body and mind. The vibration of each chakra can be likened to music. Each chakra produces a “music” that aligns with what is needed for the greater good.


If there is any disturbance or blockage, the function of the chakras is disrupted. As a result, various health issues can arise (emotional and mental), and this imbalance may eventually manifest in the physical body (i.e., the impact of an emotional trauma can become physical).

How are chakras blocked?

As one can infer from the above, the surrounding environment affects the energy that the chakras receive and, consequently, their functioning. If the energy received by a chakra is pure and the energy body is equally pure—free from negative thoughts and emotions—then the energy received and transformed by the chakra will also be pure. However, if it receives energy from a polluted source, such as an area filled with toxic energies, emotions, and situations, or if the person is filled with “filters” like limiting beliefs or negative emotions, then the energy received by the chakra is polluted.


In such a case, the chakra becomes blocked (similar to a pump that does not draw a clean flow). If you hear the phrase “your chakra is blocked,” it means that it has received dirty energy, there has been some traumatic event, or negative beliefs/thoughts/emotions have accumulated, making it dysfunctional. As a result, the organs malfunction or, in extreme cases, collapse entirely because they do not receive the necessary quantity and quality of energy. The goal is the harmonious flow of pure energy so that a person can be fully functional, balanced, and happy.


At this point, we are ready to delve into the 7 + 5 most important chakras of the body and understand how each one functions.

7 energy chakras in the body

The most important energy centers in the body include:


First Chakra

chakras της βάσης

This is also known as the base, root, or Muladhara chakra. It is located at the base of the spine, specifically at the coccyx. Its color is primarily red. It is called the root chakra because it faces the earth and keeps us connected to the material plane. In this chakra resides our will to live on Earth, the source of the primal force of Kundalini, as well as our good physical health, balance, and inner harmony. When it is clean and functional, we have a strong physical body, we stand firmly on our feet, and we have self-esteem. It also acts beneficially against stress, anxiety, and depression, as it protects us from these conditions. It is important to remember that all aspects are interconnected—having self-esteem will improve the root chakra. If we directly heal the root chakra, it will boost self-esteem. One affects the other!


Usually, when this center is blocked or imbalanced, the person loses the desire or will to live. This occurs during a particularly difficult period in their life, such as financial difficulties or the loss of a loved one (e.g., a spouse or parent). This center receives the message “I don’t have a strong will to live” and gradually disconnects from the Earth. The result is the emergence of symptoms such as problems with bones or blood, as well as psychological issues like depression. In such cases, these individuals need support and a pleasant, calm environment with understanding, which will give them the necessary space and time to address their problem. Psychological support is thus the most essential part. Additionally, depending on the type of problem, there is appropriate treatment, whether for a physical or psychological issue.

Second Chakra

δεύτερο τσακρα

Also known as the sacral or Svadhisthana chakra, it is located two to three fingers below the navel (in the genital area). It is associated with several organs, such as the spleen, bladder, kidneys, and, of course, the reproductive organs. With the color orange, it is the center of our basic reproductive instincts. At the same time, it is also the center related to creativity, spontaneity, pleasure, sensuality, and play. Blockages in this chakra occur when a person faces numerous phobias and possibly issues with their sexual identity.


Depending on the fears and the extent to which they affect the individual, different problems manifest in the body. For example, if someone has existential concerns, they may develop kidney problems. If there are issues related to sexuality, problems appear in the reproductive organs. On the other hand, if someone faces communication issues or problems in their relationships with others, it usually affects the intestines.

Third Chakra

τρίτο τσάκρα

Also known as the solar plexus chakra (Manipura), it is located in the stomach area, between the navel and the diaphragm. It is associated with organs such as the pancreas, liver, and stomach and is represented by the color yellow. This chakra is the seat of our lower emotions, the center related to acceptance, and the point where we connect with others. It has a direct relationship with self-respect, self-confidence, and the boundaries we set. Individuals who are clairsentient, or those who feel others’ emotions, have this center particularly well-developed. This energy center plays a significant role in “cleansing” dirty energies from the body (much like the liver does in the physical body).


You may have noticed that when you have unpleasant emotions like anxiety or worry, you feel strange or even have a knot in your stomach. Dysfunction in this energy center occurs when a person has emotional imbalance, accumulated anger, anxiety, stress, or frustration. People who struggle to accept themselves and their environment show problems in the third solar plexus chakra.


For example, a person might feel intense anger about various events in their life (i.e., a lack of acceptance). They may hold onto this anger and not express it. The liver is typically the organ most affected by anger. To relieve the liver and prevent the entire body from being affected, as well as to express this anger, the person might turn to alcohol. However, as the effects of alcohol wear off, the person returns to their usual state, leading them to consume alcohol again. Continuous repetition of this process risks developing an addiction. There are various ways to release the energy of anger, such as exercise or artistic expression.


It is also possible to have a relationship in our life (whether friendly, professional, romantic, etc.) that is harmful and feels like it “drains” our energy. This situation can similarly block this energy center and cause difficulties in our daily life. In such a case, it is necessary to distance ourselves from such relationships and focus on self-care.

Fourth Chakra

τέταρτο τσάκρα καρδιάς

The fourth chakra, also known as the heart chakra (Anahata), is located at the level of the heart. It is associated with the heart and lungs. For many, it is the most important of all energy centers because it is in the middle, connecting the upper and lower energy triangles (the higher and lower spatial nature of humans). Its primary color is green. Some consider it the point where the soul connects to the body. It is also the chakra of love, both for oneself and for others, and it liberates our spirit.


Even if the other energy centers close significantly, this one remains functional and can help in their healing. However, if it becomes severely blocked, the other chakras will gradually exhibit various dysfunctions. Generally, when someone feels they have not received love, this center does not function properly. The result is a deep sense of sadness and the appearance of problems in the lungs or chest (and later in other parts, such as the large intestine). In such cases, a person needs love. Therefore, it is important to create quality relationships where you give and receive love. Finally, the most important thing is to learn to love yourself. By doing so, you can offer yourself everything you deserve.

Fifth Chakra

πέμπτο τσάκρα

The fifth chakra is the throat chakra (Vishuddha or Vishuddhi). Its color is light blue, and it is associated with the thyroid gland, vocal cords, ears, and more. It is located at the base of the throat. This is the center of self-expression, higher creativity (e.g., artistic), communication, dynamism, and the way we perceive life. When we do not express our thoughts and feelings, or when situations are imposed on us, it can become blocked. It is essential to be our true, authentic selves.


This center is quite sensitive to sudden changes in the environment, especially if it is burdened by anxiety. Its disturbances usually manifest as throat problems, such as pharyngitis, laryngitis, or thyroid issues. A major culprit for this condition is fear of the future—worrying about what will happen, how it will happen, what will happen to others, etc. Discussion, as well as encouragement to live in the present, go with the flow, and express your authentic self with love, will help maintain the proper function of this energy center.

Sixth Chakra

έκτο τσάκρα

The sixth chakra is also known as the Third Eye. It has an indigo color and is associated with intuition, insight, and the nervous system. Located between our eyebrows and slightly above, it is the seat of perception, higher thinking, wisdom, intellectual clarity, and vision. Additionally, it is the center of a person’s good psychological state and is related to both the fifth and second chakras. It affects points of the body such as the nervous and endocrine systems. If it malfunctions, a person may experience nervous instability, sleep disorders, various psychological issues, or permanently exist in a state of stress and tension.


It serves as a gateway to the non-physical reality, a portal to our inner world, spirituality, unlimited knowledge, perceptions of the world, overcoming fear, and life in general. Through inner vision, we can navigate and decode all the mysteries and questions that arise in our daily lives.

Seventh Chakra

έβδομο τσάκρα

Alternatively named the Crown or Sahasrara, the seventh chakra is located at the top of the skull and has a violet color. It is the seat of higher communication, inspiration, and art. This energy center, also known as the center of Nirvana, helps us maintain a strong connection with the Divine. When open, we feel that we have access to cosmic secrets. It assists us in finding spiritual guidance and navigating our path towards our spiritual mission.


It malfunctions when a person is overly involved with materialism and lacks sufficient faith in the Divine. In such cases, the person becomes disconnected from true happiness. As a result, they engage even more with materialism and temporary distractions. Thus, they enter into a loop that causes increasing unhappiness and depression. To address this situation, seeking spiritual happiness, offering oneself and others, is essential. The person must regain a sense of completeness and fill the void that material goods and fleeting adventures attempt to temporarily satisfy.


5 Spiritual Chakras

The extended system of chakras exists beyond the body’s energy system and becomes increasingly potent as our spirituality evolves. Until recently, few Masters had accessed this system and kept it undisclosed. Now, anyone wishing for greater spiritual advancement and readiness to take necessary action can access it. The primary goal of these chakras is to enable individuals to harmonize with their Higher, inner selves, and even with the entire Existence. Indeed, these chakras assist us in becoming one with Existence, one with Everything. Instead of focusing solely on our personality, we gradually connect more with various multidimensional (and parallel) realities. This helps us improve day by day, becoming the best version of ourselves and experiencing rich, diverse experiences.


One of the benefits offered by this expanded chakra system is that as they activate, we gain a deeper understanding of different dimensions and realities. We come to understand that our planet is just one piece of a holographic universe. While we may have seen this in movies, our selves exist and live in other parallel realities. Observing these other realities helps us better understand how Existence operates. We see ourselves as beings that can transcend space and time (and indeed the physical body).


Each spiritual chakra opens a different field from what we call the “Creator”. Two of these that we will discuss, the Earth Star and Earth Gateway, are located below the base, with the rest found above the crown. These energy fields operate in their own distinct manner. Opening each center provides the opportunity to gradually progress to the next. Thus, each time, the spiritual awakening you experience becomes increasingly powerful. These stages include:

Earth Star Chakra

The Earth Star Chakra is an extension of the base chakra, functioning as an anchor of our existence. It encompasses the aura, the entire chakra system, the body, and the soul’s presence on Earth. Located approximately 12 centimeters below our feet, it is the chakra that connects us to Mother Earth and provides us with strength, stability, and grounding. Additionally, it is the chakra that enables us to be present on this planet in our physical form.

Earth Gateway / Gaia Gateway Chakra

This spiritual center is at the core of the Earth. It connects the physical body and the etheric body with Mother Earth and her energy. Moreover, it links us to the divine source and divine realms. Essentially, it contributes to the harmonious flow of energy with Earth, our Higher Self, and divine consciousness.

In case of imbalance, individuals may experience stress, a sense of disconnection from their soul and true self, environmental sensitivity, and energy fluctuations. This sensitivity manifests through various physical, emotional, and spiritual symptoms. Fatigue, anxiety, exhaustion, doubt, and constant questioning of reality are just a few examples.

Soul Star Chakra

Known as the chakra of the soul, it is located approximately 24 centimeters above the head. Some consider it closer to the head, while others believe it is further away, around 40 centimeters. The distance can vary from person to person. It is our connection to the wider universe and all that it encompasses. It is the seat of our subconscious and the union with our dreams. When unlocked, it connects us with our Higher Self. The Higher Self is what we call our “true self”. It is the part unaffected by our earthly and incarnate experiences, what we consider our earthly reality. This reality is shaped by our thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and the surrounding environment. In other words, it is shaped by what we experience in our daily lives. However, our Higher Self is shaped by both earthly characteristics and the energy of the Universe.

Stellar Gateway

The Stellar Gateway, which many refer to as the Chakra of the Astral Gateway, connects us with realities that transcend the boundaries of the universe. We have the ability to perceive the way the entire world and universe are structured. Man not only perceives, but now becomes the Divine Plan itself. It does not move within time. Instead, it exists everywhere at every moment. Existence in the body gradually becomes more difficult, and the individual distances themselves from it, so as not to dissolve it. This center serves as a means for simultaneous exploration of time.

Universal Gateway Chakra

The Universal Gateway Chakra is the Galactic Chakra, aligned with the Galactic Logos. This center holds the entire history of the Universe and boundless Wisdom. Here, temporal and spatial frameworks collapse. A person has such a profound awareness of themselves and the world that they can teleport to any point in the galaxy they desire, with full access to the workings of space, time, and the universe.

The gap between thought and action has collapsed. Any thought is immediately manifested. The individual becomes a Creator and directly apprehends the Divine Plan.

Cosmic Gateway Chakra

The Cosmic Gateway Chakra connects us with all experiences and dimensions we have from the universe. For some, it is Union with God, with the Ultimate. It is the part where the soul’s barriers break and scatter throughout the universe, seeking union. Once united, the individual gains access to all their capabilities, while being able to evolve all talents and abilities. This energetic center facilitates visits to other parts of the universe.

How can I unblock the Chakras?

ξεμπλοκάρισμα τσάκρα

As mentioned earlier, if a chakra stops functioning, it has implications for both our physical and mental health. Of course, there are ways to restore chakras to their normal functioning. However, for permanent results, you must change your vibration, thought patterns, beliefs, and how you manage various situations.

Nevertheless, this doesn’t mean that you should not utilize techniques such as energy therapy, meditation, Reiki, and others. These techniques are quite useful in restoring the proper functioning of the centers. Moreover, through these practices, we can think clearly and make changes to our beliefs and daily routines, whether consciously or subconsciously. Some alternative methods to help unblock your chakras include:


  • Yoga
  • Reciting mantras
  • Pranayama breathing exercises
  • Meditation
  • Reiki, Cosmoenergy Healing, Pranic Healing, etc.
  • Crystal Healing
  • Affirmations
  • Offering to fellow humans and the Earth in general
  • Psychotherapy


Read more about how to easily unblock your chakras.


Thus, when chakras are unblocked and functioning properly, we manage to maintain our health on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. We discover our true selves and move forward on the journey of life.

Feel free to contact me to learn more about each of the energy centers, how to ensure their proper functioning, and to evolve on your journey towards spirituality.

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