Pendulum Dowsing
Get answers to your questions with pendulum dowsing
What is Pendulum Dowsing?
It is an ancient art where one uses a pendulum, connects with a higher being, and asks questions about life or other important matters.
The session has a duration of 30′ or 60′.
Contact us for more information
frequent headaches
period pains
gastrointestinal problems such as IBS
mild forms of depression
addiction to substances such as smoking, sweets, etc.
drop in libido
psychic self-protection
Kirlian aura photography
Before the session in new clients it is very useful to do aura photography with the Kirlian – Crownscope machine. It is a sophisticated machine where by successively placing each of your fingertips on it, then through software, the “photo” of your aura is shown. In this way we can see in detail energy imbalances in the Chakras (energy centers) and in key parts of the body (epiphysis, pituitary gland, thyroid, heart, large intestine, etc.). This in turn will help identify deeper issues and perhaps prevent major issues by proactively seeing your doctor.
My vision is to help people like you transform their lives
My name is Karolos Tsiligirian and I am the founder of GIM Agency and Your Growth Guide. I am a certified Master Life Coach and have dedicated my life to business and personal development with the goal of helping as many people as I can succeed and have a happier life.
Through Your Growth Guide I will do everything in my power to achieve your goals, to gain Clarity, higher awareness and harmony in your life, with one basic condition: You must really want it!
I will be happy if you trust me to help in your personal development on a professional and personal level.
From the Blog
Everything You Need to Know About the Second Chakra
Mental Resilience: A Survival Guide in a Challenging World
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